Oakland Township will host two drop-in Open Houses on Thursday, January 29, 2015, for the community to review and comment upon the 2015-2019 Parks, Recreation, and Land Preservation and Master Plan. 

2pm-4pm in the afternoon and 6pm-8pm in the evening
at the Oakland Township Hall
4393 Collins Road, Rochester, Michigan 48306

Township residents have been sharing their opinions concerning Township parks, recreation facilities, and activities through focus groups and a Community-wide opinion survey that was mailed to 6000 Township households. However, one of the best opportunities for people to participate in this planning effort is to drop in during the afternoon or evening session of our upcoming open house, which will be facilitated by professional parks and recreation planners from Johnson Hills Land Ethics (JHLE) Studio of Ann Arbor. Refreshments will be provided as guests review and discuss the proposed 5-year master plan with Parks and Recreation officials, staff and planning advisors. 

The draft master plan is also available for review and comment on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update web page: http://www.jhles.com/OTMP/.  Hard copies are available for review during regular business hours at the reference desk of the Rochester Hills Public Library, at the Parks and Recreation Offices at the Paint Creek Cider Mill, and at the Oakland Township Hall.   Written comments sent via the master plan web page, emailed to parksplanning@oaklandtownship.org, or mailed to “Parks Master Plan”, 4393 Collins Road, Rochester, MI 48306, will be received until February 18, 2015.