Oakland County Sheriff's Office is contracted to provide services in Oakland Township. The Oakland Township Substation is located at 4391 Collins Road, Rochester, MI 48306. To contact their office please call dispatch at (248) 858-4950. In case of emergency, DIAL 911

link to Oakland County Sheriff's webpage

State Law regarding Dangerous Animals

Safety Tip Provided by Oakland County Sheriff:

ICE - In Case of Emergency                                                                                                               smartphone

What if...

  • You're in a car accident rendered unconscious?
  • You're at the mall or work and became incapacitated?

ICE - In Case of Emergency.  It's free and easy and could one day save your life. 

Put ICE in your cell phone and make it easier for emergency personnel to contact loved ones in case of an emergency to get your medical history (are you allergic to any drugs, do you have a history of heart disease, do you have a Do Not Resuscitate order, etc.).

Make a new entry with the word "ICE" followed by the  name of the person you want called in emergency situations (examples:  ICE-Dave, ICE-Mom).  For more than one contact name use ICE 1-Dave, ICE2-Mom or ICE1, ICE2, etc.). Make sure that person(s) knows your medical history. 

Individuals without cell phones should carry an identification card with emergency contacts and medical information in your wallet or purse.