Oakland Township Parks and Recreation

A dog may well be a man’s – and woman’s best friend, but off-leash dogs in public parks can pose several problems; especially near playgrounds and areas of high public usage. Other park users may be frightened when a friendly tail-wagging, wet-nosed dog jumps up to greet them.  When visiting the Township parks with your dog, please follow our Township Park rules:

  • Keep your dog leashed.
  • Clean up after your dog.

Clean-up bag dispensers are located at multiple trailheads throughout the parks. Dog excrement is both unpleasant and can spread disease to humans and wildlife. The Oakland Township Parks and Recreation Ordinance 38A-1, Article III, Section 02.12, states that,

“All persons walking or exercising pets in a park are required to clean up all debris resulting from the pets.  Pets must be on a leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length and under control at all times.”

Many species of viewable wildlife decline along the trail edges when dogs explore the brush. Off-leash dogs prevent turkey and other birds from ground nesting, may discover and harm fawns (a natural instinct), and push mammals further into the woodlands, thus decreasing the park experience for all visitors.